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3 May 2017

Vincent Bernat: VXLAN: BGP EVPN with Cumulus Quagga

VXLAN is an overlay network to encapsulate Ethernet traffic over an existing (highly available and scalable, possibly the Internet) IP network while accomodating a very large number of tenants. It is defined in RFC 7348. For an uncut introduction on its use with Linux, have a look at my VXLAN & Linux post. VXLAN deployment In the above example, we have hypervisors hosting a virtual machines from different tenants. Each virtual machine is given access to a tenant-specific virtual Ethernet segment. Users are expecting classic Ethernet segments: no MAC restrictions1, total control over the IP addressing scheme they use and availability of multicast. In a large VXLAN deployment, two aspects need attention:
  1. discovery of other endpoints (VTEPs) sharing the same VXLAN segments, and
  2. avoidance of BUM frames (broadcast, unknown unicast and multicast) as they have to be forwarded to all VTEPs.
A typical solution for the first point is using multicast. For the second point, this is source-address learning.

Introduction to BGP EVPN BGP EVPN (RFC 7432 and draft-ietf-bess-evpn-overlay for its application to VXLAN) is a standard control protocol to efficiently solves those two aspects without relying on multicast nor source-address learning. BGP EVPN relies on BGP (RFC 4271) and its MP-BGP extensions (RFC 4760). BGP is the routing protocol powering the Internet. It is highly scalable and interoperable. It is also extensible and one of its extension is MP-BGP. This extension can carry reachability information (NLRI) for multiple protocols (IPv4, IPv6, L3VPN and in our case EVPN). EVPN is a special family to advertise MAC addresses and the remote equipments they are attached to. There are basically two kinds of reachability information a VTEP sends through BGP EVPN:
  1. the VNIs they have interest in (type 3 routes), and
  2. for each VNI, the local MAC addresses (type 2 routes).
The protocol also covers other aspects of virtual Ethernet segments (L3 reachability information from ARP/ND caches, MAC mobility and multi-homing2) but we won t describe them here. To deploy BGP EVPN, a typical solution is to use several route reflectors (both for redundancy and scalability), like in the picture below. Each VTEP opens a BGP session to at least two route reflectors, sends its information (MACs and VNIs) and receives others . This reduces the number of BGP sessions to configure. VXLAN deployment with route reflectors Compared to other solutions to deploy VXLAN, BGP EVPN has three main advantages:
  • interoperability with other vendors (notably Juniper and Cisco),
  • proven scalability (a typical BGP routers handle several millions of routes), and
  • possibility to enforce fine-grained policies.
On Linux, Cumulus Quagga is a fairly complete implementation of BGP EVPN (type 3 routes for VTEP discovery, type 2 routes with MAC or IP addresses, MAC mobility when a host changes from one VTEP to another one) which requires very little configuration. This is a fork of Quagga and currently used in Cumulus Linux, a network operating system based on Debian powering switches from various brands. At some point, BGP EVPN support will be contributed back to FRR, a community-maintained fork of Quagga3. It should be noted the BGP EVPN implementation of Cumulus Quagga currently only supports IPv4.

Route reflector setup Before configuring each VTEP, we need to configure two or more route reflectors. There are many solutions. I will present three of them:
  • using Cumulus Quagga,
  • using GoBGP, an implementation of BGP in Go,
  • using Juniper JunOS.
For reliability purpose, it s possible (and easy) to use one implementation for some route reflectors and another implementation for the other ones. The proposed configurations are quite minimal. However, it is possible to centralize policies on the route reflectors (e.g. routes tagged with some community can only be readvertised to some group of VTEPs).

Using Quagga The configuration is pretty simple. We suppose the configured route reflector has configured as a loopback IP.
router bgp 65000
  bgp router-id
  bgp cluster-id
  bgp log-neighbor-changes
  no bgp default ipv4-unicast
  neighbor fabric peer-group
  neighbor fabric remote-as 65000
  neighbor fabric capability extended-nexthop
  neighbor fabric update-source
  bgp listen range peer-group fabric
  address-family evpn
   neighbor fabric activate
   neighbor fabric route-reflector-client
A peer group fabric is defined and we leverage the dynamic neighbor feature of Cumulus Quagga: we don t have to explicitely define each neighbor. Any client from and presenting itself as part of AS 65000 can connect. All sent EVPN routes will be accepted and reflected to the other clients. You don t need to run Zebra, the route engine talking with the kernel. Instead, start bgpd with the --no_kernel flag.

Using GoBGP GoBGP is a clean implementation of BGP in Go4. It exposes an RPC API for configuration (but accepts a configuration file and comes with a command-line client). It doesn t support dynamic neighbors, so you ll have to use the API, the command-line client or some templating language to automate their declaration. A configuration with only one neighbor is like this:
    as: 65000
  - config:
      peer-as: 65000
      - config:
          afi-safi-name: l2vpn-evpn
        route-reflector-client: true
More neighbors can be added from the command line:
$ gobgp neighbor add as 65000 \
>         route-reflector-client \
>         --address-family evpn
GoBGP won t try to interact with the kernel which is fine as a route reflector.

Using Juniper JunOS A variety of Juniper products can be a BGP route reflector, notably: The main factor is the CPU and the memory. The QFX5100 is low on memory and won t support large deployments without some additional policing. Here is a configuration similar to the Quagga one:
        unit 0  
            family inet  
        group fabric  
            family evpn  
                    /* Do not try to install EVPN routes */
            type internal;
    autonomous-system 65000;

VTEP setup The next step is to configure each VTEP/hypervisor. Each VXLAN is locally configured using a bridge for local virtual interfaces, like illustrated in the below schema. The bridge is taking care of the local MAC addresses (notably, using source-address learning) and the VXLAN interface takes care of the remote MAC addresses (received with BGP EVPN). Bridged VXLAN device VXLANs can be provisioned with the following script. Source-address learning is disabled as we will rely solely on BGP EVPN to synchronize FDBs between the hypervisors.
for vni in 100 200; do
    # Create VXLAN interface
    ip link add vxlan$ vni  type vxlan
        id $ vni  \
        dstport 4789 \
        local \
    # Create companion bridge
    brctl addbr br$ vni 
    brctl addif br$ vni  vxlan$ vni 
    brctl stp br$ vni  off
    ip link set up dev br$ vni 
    ip link set up dev vxlan$ vni 
# Attach each VM to the appropriate segment
brctl addif br100 vnet10
brctl addif br100 vnet11
brctl addif br200 vnet12
The configuration of Cumulus Quagga is similar to the one used for a route reflector, except we use the advertise-all-vni directive to publish all local VNIs.
router bgp 65000
  bgp router-id
  no bgp default ipv4-unicast
  neighbor fabric peer-group
  neighbor fabric remote-as 65000
  neighbor fabric capability extended-nexthop
  neighbor fabric update-source dummy0
  ! BGP sessions with route reflectors
  neighbor peer-group fabric
  neighbor peer-group fabric
  address-family evpn
   neighbor fabric activate
If everything works as expected, the instances sharing the same VNI should be able to ping each other. If IPv6 is enabled on the VMs, the ping command shows if everything is in order:
$ ping -c10 -w1 -t1 ff02::1%eth0
PING ff02::1%eth0(ff02::1%eth0) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from fe80::5254:33ff:fe00:8%eth0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.016 ms
64 bytes from fe80::5254:33ff:fe00:b%eth0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=4.98 ms (DUP!)
64 bytes from fe80::5254:33ff:fe00:9%eth0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=4.99 ms (DUP!)
64 bytes from fe80::5254:33ff:fe00:a%eth0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=4.99 ms (DUP!)
--- ff02::1%eth0 ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, +3 duplicates, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.016/3.745/4.991/2.152 ms

Verification Step by step, let s check how everything comes together.

Getting VXLAN information from the kernel On each VTEP, Quagga should be able to retrieve the information about configured VXLANs. This can be checked with vtysh:
# show interface vxlan100
Interface vxlan100 is up, line protocol is up
  Link ups:       1    last: 2017/04/29 20:01:33.43
  Link downs:     0    last: (never)
  PTM status: disabled
  vrf: Default-IP-Routing-Table
  index 11 metric 0 mtu 1500
  Type: Ethernet
  HWaddr: 62:42:7a:86:44:01
  inet6 fe80::6042:7aff:fe86:4401/64
  Interface Type Vxlan
  VxLAN Id 100
  Access VLAN Id 1
  Master (bridge) ifindex 9 ifp 0x56536e3f3470
The important points are:
  • the VNI is 100, and
  • the bridge device was correctly detected.
Quagga should also be able to retrieve information about the local MAC addresses :
# show evpn mac vni 100
Number of MACs (local and remote) known for this VNI: 2
MAC               Type   Intf/Remote VTEP      VLAN
50:54:33:00:00:0a local  eth1.100
50:54:33:00:00:0b local  eth2.100

BGP sessions Each VTEP has to establish a BGP session to the route reflectors. On the VTEP, this can be checked by running vtysh:
# show bgp neighbors
BGP neighbor is, remote AS 65000, local AS 65000, internal link
 Member of peer-group fabric for session parameters
  BGP version 4, remote router ID
  BGP state = Established, up for 00:00:45
  Neighbor capabilities:
    4 Byte AS: advertised and received
      L2VPN EVPN: RX advertised L2VPN EVPN
    Route refresh: advertised and received(new)
    Address family L2VPN EVPN: advertised and received
    Hostname Capability: advertised
    Graceful Restart Capabilty: advertised
 For address family: L2VPN EVPN
  fabric peer-group member
  Update group 1, subgroup 1
  Packet Queue length 0
  Community attribute sent to this neighbor(both)
  8 accepted prefixes

  Connections established 1; dropped 0
  Last reset never
Local host:, Local port: 37603
Foreign host:, Foreign port: 179
The output includes the following information:
  • the BGP state is Established,
  • the address family L2VPN EVPN is correctly advertised, and
  • 8 routes are received from this route reflector.
The state of the BGP sessions can also be checked from the route reflectors. With GoBGP, use the following command:
# gobgp neighbor
BGP neighbor is, remote AS 65000, route-reflector-client
  BGP version 4, remote router ID
  BGP state = established, up for 00:04:30
  BGP OutQ = 0, Flops = 0
  Hold time is 9, keepalive interval is 3 seconds
  Configured hold time is 90, keepalive interval is 30 seconds
  Neighbor capabilities:
        l2vpn-evpn:     advertised and received
    route-refresh:      advertised and received
    graceful-restart:   received
    4-octet-as: advertised and received
    add-path:   received
    UnknownCapability(73):      received
    cisco-route-refresh:        received
  Route statistics:
    Advertised:             8
    Received:               5
    Accepted:               5
With JunOS, use the below command:
> show bgp neighbor
Peer: AS 65000 Local: AS 65000
  Group: fabric                Routing-Instance: master
  Forwarding routing-instance: master
  Type: Internal    State: Established
  Last State: OpenConfirm   Last Event: RecvKeepAlive
  Last Error: None
  Options: <Preference LocalAddress Cluster AddressFamily Rib-group Refresh>
  Address families configured: evpn
  Local Address: Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170
  NLRI evpn: NoInstallForwarding
  Number of flaps: 0
  Peer ID:     Local ID:     Active Holdtime: 9
  Keepalive Interval: 3          Group index: 0    Peer index: 2
  I/O Session Thread: bgpio-0 State: Enabled
  BFD: disabled, down
  NLRI for restart configured on peer: evpn
  NLRI advertised by peer: evpn
  NLRI for this session: evpn
  Peer supports Refresh capability (2)
  Stale routes from peer are kept for: 300
  Peer does not support Restarter functionality
  NLRI that restart is negotiated for: evpn
  NLRI of received end-of-rib markers: evpn
  NLRI of all end-of-rib markers sent: evpn
  Peer does not support LLGR Restarter or Receiver functionality
  Peer supports 4 byte AS extension (peer-as 65000)
  NLRI's for which peer can receive multiple paths: evpn
  Table bgp.evpn.0 Bit: 20000
    RIB State: BGP restart is complete
    RIB State: VPN restart is complete
    Send state: in sync
    Active prefixes:              5
    Received prefixes:            5
    Accepted prefixes:            5
    Suppressed due to damping:    0
    Advertised prefixes:          8
  Last traffic (seconds): Received 276  Sent 170  Checked 276
  Input messages:  Total 61     Updates 3       Refreshes 0     Octets 1470
  Output messages: Total 62     Updates 4       Refreshes 0     Octets 1775
  Output Queue[1]: 0            (bgp.evpn.0, evpn)
If a BGP session cannot be established, the logs of each BGP daemon should mention the cause.

Sent routes From each VTEP, Quagga needs to send:
  • one type 3 route for each local VNI, and
  • one type 2 route for each local MAC address.
The best place to check the received routes is on one of the route reflectors. If you are using JunOS, the following command will display the received routes from the provided VTEP:
> show route table bgp.evpn.0 receive-protocol bgp
bgp.evpn.0: 10 destinations, 10 routes (10 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
  Prefix                  Nexthop              MED     Lclpref    AS path
  2: MAC/IP
*                                 100        I
  2: MAC/IP
*                                 100        I
  3: IM
*                                 100        I
  3: IM
*                                 100        I
There is one type 3 route for VNI 100 and another one for VNI 200. There are also two type 2 routes for two MAC addresses on VNI 100. To get more information, you can add the keyword extensive. Here is a type 3 route advertising as a VTEP for VNI 1008:
> show route table bgp.evpn.0 receive-protocol bgp extensive
bgp.evpn.0: 11 destinations, 11 routes (11 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
* 3: IM (1 entry, 1 announced)
     Route Distinguisher:
     Localpref: 100
     AS path: I
     Communities: target:65000:268435556 encapsulation:vxlan(0x8)
Here is a type 2 route announcing the location of the 50:54:33:00:00:0a MAC address for VNI 100:
> show route table bgp.evpn.0 receive-protocol bgp extensive
bgp.evpn.0: 11 destinations, 11 routes (11 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
* 2: MAC/IP (1 entry, 1 announced)
     Route Distinguisher:
     Route Label: 100
     ESI: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
     Localpref: 100
     AS path: I
     Communities: target:65000:268435556 encapsulation:vxlan(0x8)
With Quagga, you can get a similar output with vtysh:
# show bgp evpn route
BGP table version is 0, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
EVPN type-2 prefix: [2]:[ESI]:[EthTag]:[MAClen]:[MAC]
EVPN type-3 prefix: [3]:[EthTag]:[IPlen]:[OrigIP]
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
Route Distinguisher:
                             100      0 i
                             100      0 i
                             100      0 i
Route Distinguisher:
                             100      0 i
With GoBGP, use the following command:
# gobgp global rib -a evpn   grep rd:
    Network  Next Hop             AS_PATH              Age        Attrs
*>  [type:macadv][rd:][esi:single-homed][etag:0][mac:50:54:33:00:00:0a][ip:<nil>][labels:[100]]                               00:00:17   [ Origin: i   LocalPref: 100   Extcomms: [VXLAN], [65000:268435556] ]
*>  [type:macadv][rd:][esi:single-homed][etag:0][mac:50:54:33:00:00:0b][ip:<nil>][labels:[100]]                               00:00:17   [ Origin: i   LocalPref: 100   Extcomms: [VXLAN], [65000:268435556] ]
*>  [type:macadv][rd:][esi:single-homed][etag:0][mac:50:54:33:00:00:0a][ip:<nil>][labels:[200]]                               00:00:17   [ Origin: i   LocalPref: 100   Extcomms: [VXLAN], [65000:268435656] ]
*>  [type:multicast][rd:][etag:0][ip:]                               00:00:17   [ Origin: i   LocalPref: 100   Extcomms: [VXLAN], [65000:268435556] ]
*>  [type:multicast][rd:][etag:0][ip:]                               00:00:17   [ Origin: i   LocalPref: 100   Extcomms: [VXLAN], [65000:268435656] ]

Received routes Each VTEP should have received the type 2 and type 3 routes from its fellow VTEPs, through the route reflectors. You can check with the show bgp evpn route command of vtysh. Does Quagga correctly understand the received routes? The type 3 routes are translated to an assocation between the remote VTEPs and the VNIs:
# show evpn vni
Number of VNIs: 2
VNI        VxLAN IF              VTEP IP         # MACs   # ARPs   Remote VTEPs
100        vxlan100         4        0
200        vxlan200         3        0
The type 2 routes are translated to an association between the remote MACs and the remote VTEPs:
# show evpn mac vni 100
Number of MACs (local and remote) known for this VNI: 4
MAC               Type   Intf/Remote VTEP      VLAN
50:54:33:00:00:09 remote
50:54:33:00:00:0a local  eth1.100
50:54:33:00:00:0b local  eth2.100
50:54:33:00:00:0c remote

FDB configuration The last step is to ensure Quagga has correctly provided the received information to the kernel. This can be checked with the bridge command:
# bridge fdb show dev vxlan100   grep dst
00:00:00:00:00:00 dst self permanent
00:00:00:00:00:00 dst self permanent
50:54:33:00:00:0c dst self
50:54:33:00:00:09 dst self
All good! The two first lines are the translation of the type 3 routes (any BUM frame will be sent to both and and the two last ones are the translation of the type 2 routes.

Interoperability One of the strength of BGP EVPN is the interoperability with other network vendors. To demonstrate it works as expected, we will configure a Juniper vMX to act as a VTEP. First, we need to configure the physical bridge9. This is similar to the use of ip link and brctl with Linux. We only configure one physical interface with two old-school VLANs paired with matching VNIs.
        unit 0  
            family bridge  
                interface-mode trunk;
                vlan-id-list [ 100 200 ];
        instance-type virtual-switch;
        interface ge-0/0/1.0;
                domain-type bridge;
                vlan-id 100;
                    vni 100;
                domain-type bridge;
                vlan-id 200;
                    vni 200;
Then, we configure BGP EVPN to advertise all known VNIs. The configuration is quite similar to the one we did with Quagga:
        group fabric  
            type internal;
            family evpn signaling;
        vtep-source-interface lo0.0;
        route-distinguisher; #  
        vrf-import EVPN-VRF-VXLAN;
                encapsulation vxlan;
                extended-vni-list all;
                multicast-mode ingress-replication;
    autonomous-system 65000;
    policy-statement EVPN-VRF-VXLAN  
        then accept;
We also need a small compatibility patch for Cumulus Quagga10. The routes sent by this configuration are very similar to the routes sent by Quagga. The main differences are:
  • on JunOS, the route distinguisher is configured statically (in ), and
  • on JunOS, the VNI is also encoded as an Ethernet tag ID.
Here is a type 3 route, as sent by JunOS:
> show route table bgp.evpn.0 receive-protocol bgp extensive
bgp.evpn.0: 13 destinations, 13 routes (13 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
* 3: IM (1 entry, 1 announced)
     Route Distinguisher:
     Localpref: 100
     AS path: I
     Communities: target:65000:268435556 encapsulation:vxlan(0x8)
     PMSI: Flags 0x0: Label 6: Type INGRESS-REPLICATION
Here is a type 2 route:
> show route table bgp.evpn.0 receive-protocol bgp extensive
bgp.evpn.0: 13 destinations, 13 routes (13 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
* 2: MAC/IP (1 entry, 1 announced)
     Route Distinguisher:
     Route Label: 200
     ESI: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
     Localpref: 100
     AS path: I
     Communities: target:65000:268435656 encapsulation:vxlan(0x8)
We can check that the vMX is able to make sense of the routes it receives from its peers running Quagga:
> show evpn database l2-domain-id 100
Instance: switch
VLAN  DomainId  MAC address        Active source                  Timestamp        IP address
     100        50:54:33:00:00:0c                    Apr 30 12:46:20
     100        50:54:33:00:00:0d                    Apr 30 12:32:42
     100        50:54:33:00:00:0e                    Apr 30 12:46:20
     100        50:54:33:00:00:0f  ge-0/0/1.0                     Apr 30 12:45:55
On the other end, if we look at one of the Quagga-based VTEP, we can check the received routes are correctly understood:
# show evpn vni 100
VNI: 100
 VxLAN interface: vxlan100 ifIndex: 9 VTEP IP:
 Remote VTEPs for this VNI:
 Number of MACs (local and remote) known for this VNI: 4
 Number of ARPs (IPv4 and IPv6, local and remote) known for this VNI: 0
# show evpn mac vni 100
Number of MACs (local and remote) known for this VNI: 4
MAC               Type   Intf/Remote VTEP      VLAN
50:54:33:00:00:0c local  eth1.100
50:54:33:00:00:0d remote
50:54:33:00:00:0e remote
50:54:33:00:00:0f remote
Get in touch if you have some success with other vendors!

  1. For example, they may use bridges to connect containers together.
  2. Such a feature can replace proprietary implementations of MC-LAG allowing several VTEPs to act as a endpoint for a single link aggregation group. This is not needed on our scenario where hypervisors act as VTEPs.
  3. The development of Quagga is slow and closed . New features are often stalled. FRR is placed under the umbrella of the Linux Foundation, has a GitHub-centered development model and an election process. It already has several interesting enhancements (notably, BGP add-path, BGP unnumbered, MPLS and LDP).
  4. I am unenthusiastic about projects whose the sole purpose is to rewrite something in Go. However, while being quite young, GoBGP is quite valuable on its own (good architecture, good performance).
  5. The 48-port version is around $10,000 with the BGP license.
  6. An empty chassis with a dual routing engine (RE-S-1800X4-16G) is around $30,000.
  7. I don t know how pricey the vRR is. For evaluation purposes, it can be downloaded for free if you are a customer.
  8. The value 100 used in the route distinguishier ( is not the one used to encode the VNI. The VNI is encoded in the route target (65000:268435556), in the 24 least signifiant bits (268435556 & 0xffffff equals 100). As long as VNIs are unique, we don t have to understand those details.
  9. For some reason, the use of a virtual switch is mandatory. This is specific to this platform: a QFX doesn t require this.
  10. The encoding of the VNI into the route target is being standardized in draft-ietf-bess-evpn-overlay. Juniper already implements this draft.

13 April 2017

Antoine Beaupr : New approaches to network fast paths

With the speed of network hardware now reaching 100 Gbps and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks going in the Tbps range, Linux kernel developers are scrambling to optimize key network paths in the kernel to keep up. Many efforts are actually geared toward getting traffic out of the costly Linux TCP stack. We have already covered the XDP (eXpress Data Path) patch set, but two new ideas surfaced during the Netconf and Netdev conferences held in Toronto and Montreal in early April 2017. One is a patch set called af_packet, which aims at extracting raw packets from the kernel as fast as possible; the other is the idea of implementing in-kernel layer-7 proxying. There are also user-space network stacks like Netmap, DPDK, or Snabb (which we previously covered). This article aims at clarifying what all those components do and to provide a short status update for the tools we have already covered. We will focus on in-kernel solutions for now. Indeed, user-space tools have a fundamental limitation: if they need to re-inject packets onto the network, they must again pay the expensive cost of crossing the kernel barrier. User-space performance is effectively bounded by that fundamental design. So we'll focus on kernel solutions here. We will start from the lowest part of the stack, the af_packet patch set, and work our way up the stack all the way up to layer-7 and in-kernel proxying.

af_packet v4 John Fastabend presented a new version of a patch set that was first published in January regarding the af_packet protocol family, which is currently used by tcpdump to extract packets from network interfaces. The goal of this change is to allow zero-copy transfers between user-space applications and the NIC (network interface card) transmit and receive ring buffers. Such optimizations are useful for telecommunications companies, which may use it for deep packet inspection or running exotic protocols in user space. Another use case is running a high-performance intrusion detection system that needs to watch large traffic streams in realtime to catch certain types of attacks. Fastabend presented his work during the Netdev network-performance workshop, but also brought the patch set up for discussion during Netconf. There, he said he could achieve line-rate extraction (and injection) of packets, with packet rates as high as 30Mpps. This performance gain is possible because user-space pages are directly DMA-mapped to the NIC, which is also a security concern. The other downside of this approach is that a complete pair of ring buffers needs to be dedicated for this purpose; whereas before packets were copied to user space, now they are memory-mapped, so the user-space side needs to process those packets quickly otherwise they are simply dropped. Furthermore, it's an "all or nothing" approach; while NIC-level classifiers could be used to steer part of the traffic to a specific queue, once traffic hits that queue, it is only accessible through the af_packet interface and not the rest of the regular stack. If done correctly, however, this could actually improve the way user-space stacks access those packets, providing projects like DPDK a safer way to share pages with the NIC, because it is well defined and kernel-controlled. According to Jesper Dangaard Brouer (during review of this article):
This proposal will be a safer way to share raw packet data between user space and kernel space than what DPDK is doing, [by providing] a cleaner separation as we keep driver code in the kernel where it belongs.
During the Netdev network-performance workshop, Fastabend asked if there was a better data structure to use for such a purpose. The goal here is to provide a consistent interface to user space regardless of the driver or hardware used to extract packets from the wire. af_packet currently defines its own packet format that abstracts away the NIC-specific details, but there are other possible formats. For example, someone in the audience proposed the virtio packet format. Alexei Starovoitov rejected this idea because af_packet is a kernel-specific facility while virtio has its own separate specification with its own requirements. The next step for af_packet is the posting of the new "v4" patch set, although Miller warned that this wouldn't get merged until proper XDP support lands in the Intel drivers. The concern, of course, is that the kernel would have multiple incomplete bypass solutions available at once. Hopefully, Fastabend will present the (by then) merged patch set at the next Netdev conference in November.

XDP updates Higher up in the networking stack sits XDP. The af_packet feature differs from XDP in that it does not perform any sort of analysis or mangling of packets; its objective is purely to get the data into and out of the kernel as fast as possible, completely bypassing the regular kernel networking stack. XDP also sits before the networking stack except that, according to Brouer, it is "focused on cooperating with the existing network stack infrastructure, and on use-cases where the packet doesn't necessarily need to leave kernel space (like routing and bridging, or skipping complex code-paths)." XDP has evolved quite a bit since we last covered it in LWN. It seems that most of the controversy surrounding the introduction of XDP in the Linux kernel has died down in public discussions, under the leadership of David Miller, who heralded XDP as the right solution for a long-term architecture in the kernel. He presented XDP as a fast, flexible, and safe solution. Indeed, one of the controversies surrounding XDP was the question of the inherent security challenges with introducing user-provided programs directly into the Linux kernel to mangle packets at such a low level. Miller argued that whatever protections are expected for user-space programs also apply to XDP programs, comparing the virtual memory protections to the eBPF (extended BPF) verifier applied to XDP programs. Those programs are actually eBPF that have an interesting set of restrictions:
  • they have a limited size
  • they cannot jump backward (and thus cannot loop), so they execute in predictable time
  • they do only static allocation, so they are also limited in memory
XDP is not a one-size-fits-all solution: netfilter, the TC traffic shaper, and other normal Linux utilities still have their place. There is, however, a clear use case for a solution like XDP in the kernel. For example, Facebook and Cloudflare have both started testing XDP and, in Facebook's case, deploying XDP in production. Martin Kafai Lau, from Facebook, presented the tool set the company is using to construct a DDoS-resilience solution and a level-4 load balancer (L4LB), which got a ten-times performance improvement over the previous IPVS-based solution. Facebook rolled out its own user-space solution called "Droplet" to detect hostile traffic and deploy blocking rules in the form of eBPF programs loaded in XDP. Lau demonstrated the way Facebook deploys a three-part chained eBPF program: the first part allows debugging and dumping of packets, the second is Droplet itself, which drops undesirable traffic, and the last segment is the load balancer, which mangles the packets to tweak their destination according to internal rules. Droplet can drop DDoS attacks at line rate while keeping the architecture flexible, which were two key design requirements. Gilberto Bertin, from Cloudflare, presented a similar approach: Cloudflare has a tool that processes sFlow data generated from iptables in order to generate cBPF (classic BPF) mitigation rules that are then deployed on edge routers. Those rules are created with a tool called bpfgen, part of Cloudflare's BSD-licensed bpftools suite. For example, it could create a cBPF bytecode blob that would match DNS queries to any domain with something like:
    bpfgen dns *
Originally, Cloudflare would deploy those rules to plain iptables firewalls with the xt_bpf module, but this led to performance issues. It then deployed a proprietary user-space solution based on Solarflare hardware, but this has the performance limitations of user-space applications getting packets back onto the wire involves the cost of re-injecting packets back into the kernel. This is why Cloudflare is experimenting with XDP, which was partly developed in response to the company's problems, to deploy those BPF programs. A concern that Bertin identified was the lack of visibility into dropped packets. Cloudflare currently samples some of the dropped traffic to analyze attacks; this is not currently possible with XDP unless you pass the packets down the stack, which is expensive. Miller agreed that the lack of monitoring for XDP programs is a large issue that needs to be resolved, and suggested creating a way to mark packets for extraction to allow analysis. Cloudflare is currently in a testing phase with XDP and it is unclear if its whole XDP tool chain will be publicly available. While those two companies are starting to use XDP as-is, there is more work needed to complete the XDP project. As mentioned above and in our previous coverage, massive statistics extraction is still limited in the Linux kernel and introspection is difficult. Furthermore, while the existing actions (XDP_DROP and XDP_TX, see the documentation for more information) are well implemented and used, another action may be introduced, called XDP_REDIRECT, which would allow redirecting packets to different network interfaces. Such an action could also be used to accelerate bridges as packets could be "switched" based on the MAC address table. XDP also requires network driver support, which is currently limited. For example, the Intel drivers still do not support XDP, although that should come pretty soon. Miller, in his Netdev keynote, focused on XDP and presented it as the standard solution that is safe, fast, and usable. He identified the next steps of XDP development to be the addition of debugging mechanisms, better sampling tools for statistics and analysis, and user-space consistency. Miller foresees a future for XDP similar to the popularization of the Arduino chips: a simple set of tools that anyone, not just developers, can use. He gave the example of an Arduino tutorial that he followed where he could just look up a part number and get easy-to-use instructions on how to program it. Similar components should be available for XDP. For this purpose, the conference saw the creation of a new mailing list called xdp-newbies where people can learn how to create XDP build environments and how to write XDP programs.

In-kernel layer-7 proxying The third approach that struck me as innovative is the idea of doing layer-7 (application) proxying directly in the kernel. This comes from the idea that, traditionally, we build firewalls to segregate traffic and apply controls, but as most services move to HTTP, those policies become ineffective. Thomas Graf, presented this idea during Netconf using a Star Wars allegory: what if the Death Star were a server with an API? You would have endpoints like /dock or /comms that would allow you to dock a ship or communicate with the Death Star. Those API endpoints should obviously be public, but then there is this /exhaust-port endpoint that should never be publicly available. In order for a firewall to protect such a system, it must be able to inspect traffic at a higher level than the traditional address-port pairs. Graf presented a design where the kernel would create an in-kernel socket that would negotiate TCP connections on behalf of user space and then be able to apply arbitrary eBPF rules in the kernel. Graf's design of in-kernel proxying In this scenario, instead of doing the traditional transfer from Netfilter's TPROXY to user space, the kernel directly decapsulates the HTTP traffic and passes it to BPF rules that can make decisions without doing expensive context switches or memory copies in the case of simply wanting to refuse traffic (e.g. issue an HTTP 403 error). This, of course, requires the inclusion of kTLS to process HTTPS connections. HTTP2 support may also prove problematic, as it multiplexes connections and is harder to decapsulate. This design was described as a "pure pre-accept() hook". Starovoitov also compared the design to the kernel connection multiplexer (KCM). Tom Herbert, KCM's author, agreed that it could be extended to support this, but would require some extensions in user space to provide an interface between regular socket-based applications and the KCM layer. In any case, if the application does TLS (and lots of them do), kTLS gets tricky because it breaks the end-to-end nature of TLS, in effect becoming a man in the middle between the client and the application. Eric Dumazet argued that HA-Proxy already does things like this: it uses splice() to avoid copying too much data around, but it still does a context switch to hand over processing to user space, something that could be fixed in the general case. Another similar project that was presented at Netdev is the Tempesta firewall and reverse-proxy. The speaker, Alex Krizhanovsky, explained the Tempesta developers have taken one person month to port the mbed TLS stack to the Linux kernel to allow an in-kernel TLS handshake. Tempesta also implements rate limiting, cookies, and JavaScript challenges to mitigate DDoS attacks. The argument behind the project is that "it's easier to move TLS to the kernel than it is to move the TCP/IP stack to user space". Graf explained that he is familiar with Krizhanovsky's work and he is hoping to collaborate. In effect, the design Graf is working on would serve as a foundation for Krizhanovsky's in-kernel HTTP server (kHTTP). In a private email, Graf explained that:
The main differences in the implementation are currently that we foresee to use BPF for protocol parsing to avoid having to implement every single application protocol natively in the kernel. Tempesta likely sees this less of an issue as they are probably only targeting HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 and to some [extent] JavaScript.
Neither project is really ready for production yet. There didn't seem to be any significant pushback from key network developers against the idea, which surprised some people, so it is likely we will see more and more layer-7 intelligence move into the kernel sooner rather than later.

Conclusion All of this work aims at replacing a rag-tag bunch of proprietary solutions that recently came up to bypass the Linux kernel TCP/IP stack and improve performance for firewalls, proxies, and other key edge network elements. The idea is that, unless the kernel improves its performance, or at least provides a way to bypass its more complex code paths, people will work around it. With this set of solutions in place, engineers will now be able to use standard APIs to hook high-performance systems into the Linux kernel.
The author would like to thank the Netdev and Netconf organizers for travel assistance, Thomas Graf for a review of the in-kernel proxying section of this article, and Jesper Dangaard Brouer for review of the af_packet and XDP sections. Note: this article first appeared in the Linux Weekly News.

29 March 2017

Michal &#268;iha&#345;: Gammu 1.38.2

Yesterday Gammu 1.38.2 has been released. This is bugfix release fixing for example USSD or MMS decoding in some situations. The Windows binaries are available as well. These are built using AppVeyor and will help bring Windows users back to latest versions. Full list of changes and new features can be found on Gammu 1.38.2 release page. Would you like to see more features in Gammu? You an support further Gammu development at Bountysource salt or by direct donation.

Filed under: Debian English Gammu 0 comments

2 February 2017

Urvika Gola: Outreachy- Week 6 & 7 Progress

Working with Date, Calendar, SimpleDateFormat in Android. As I mentioned In my last blog, I would talk about how I used Calendar and Date classes for the user to designate silent mode by setting time constraints and weekdays, in Lumicall. Date class to used to interpret dates as year, month, day, hour, minute, and second values. I had to compare whether the current time falls between Start Time and End Time specified by the user. So that, silent mode can be enabled within that time frame. I used Calendar Class to get the current hour in 24-Hour format and minute.

 Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
 int hour = now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);  
 int minute = now.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
Now, Since the user enters the Time in EditText Widgets, the values were retrieved as strings.
String hhStart, mmStart, hhEnd, mmEnd store these values from Edit text widgets.
To interpret these strings as a representation of a date and time, we need to parse it A Date class object s format looks like-
Since, I was only interested in fetching the HH:MM values, i.e the fourth field in the format, To set and compare only the HH:MM values, Android provides lovely, SimpleDateFormat class to access the particular value we want in the Date object.
To access the year, use letter Y
To access the time zone, use letter z
To access the Hour and minute, we use letter H and m.
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat= new SimpleDateFormat( HH:mm , Locale.ENGLISH);
Date currentTime = parseDate(hour + ":" + minute)
Date timeCompareOne = parseDate(hhStart + : +mmStart);  
Date timeCompareTwo = parseDate(hhEnd + : +mmEnd);

Rest everything in the date object are values set by default. Eg, Year 1970. Which we din t set / access , hence did not change. To check if the start time is before the current time. And the endtime is after the current time,
if(timeCompareOne.before(currentTime) && timeCompareTwo.after(currentTime))
Switch on the silent mode;
Added a try catch block to handle the exception which will arise if the SimpleDateFormat.parse method is unable to parse the given Java String.
public Date parseDate(String date)  
return inputParser.parse(date);
catch (java.text.ParseException e)  
return new Date(0);  
Comparing Time? Done!
Now to check whether the selected weekday in the checkboxes matches the current week day,
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); 
int day = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); 
If it s sunday, value returned by calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) is 1, if monday, 2 and so on..
Weekdays compared too!  Thanks for reading,

8 November 2016

Dirk Eddelbuettel: anytime 0.1.0: New features, some fixes

A new release of anytime is now on CRAN following the four releases in September and October. anytime aims to convert anything in integer, numeric, character, factor, ordered, ... format to POSIXct (or Date) objects -- and does so without requiring a format string. See the anytime page for a few examples. Release 0.1.0 adds several new features. New functions utctime() and utcdate() parse to coordinated universal time (UTC). Several new formats were added. Digit-only formats like 'YYYYMMDD' with or without 'HHMMSS' (or even with fractional secodns 'HHMMSS.ffffff') are supported more thoroughly. Some examples:
R> library(anytime)
R> anytime("20161107 202122")   ## all digits
[1] "2016-11-07 20:21:22 CST"
R> utctime("2016Nov07 202122")  ## UTC parse example
[1] "2016-11-07 14:21:22 CST"
The NEWS file summarises the release:

Changes in anytime version 0.1.0 (2016-11-06)
  • New functions utctime() and utcdate() were added to parse input as coordinated universal time; the functionality is also available in anytime() and anydate() via a new argument asUTC (PR #22)
  • New (date)time format for RFC822-alike dates, and expanded existing datetime formats to all support fractional seconds (PR #21)
  • Extended functionality to support not only YYYYMMDD (without a separator, and not covered by Boost) but also with HHMM , HHMMSS and HHMMSS.ffffff (PR #30 fixing issue #29)
  • Extended functionality to support HHMMSS[.ffffff] following other date formats.
  • Documentation and tests have been expanded; typos corrected
  • New (unexported) helper functions setTZ, testOutput, setDebug
  • The testFormat (and testOutput) functions cannot be called under RStudio (PR #27 fixing issue #25).
  • More robust support for non-finite values such as NA, NaN or Inf (Fixing issue #16)

Courtesy of CRANberries, there is a comparison to the previous release. More information is on the anytime page. For questions or comments use the issue tracker off the GitHub repo.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

30 October 2016

Iain R. Learmonth: Powers to Investigate

The Communication Data Bill was draft legislation introduced first in May 2012. It sought to compel ISPs to store details of communications usage so that it can later be used for law enforcement purposes. In 2013 the passage of this bill into law had been blocked and the bill was dead. In 2014 we saw the Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act 2014 appear. This seemed to be in response to the Data Retention Directive being successfully challenged at the European Court of Justice by Digital Rights Ireland on human rights grounds, with a judgment given in 2014. It essentially reimplemented the Data Retention Directive along with a whole load of other nasty things. The Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act contained a sunset clause with a date set for 2016. This brings us to the Investigatory Powers Bill which it looks will be passing into law shortly. Among a range of nasty powers, this legislation will be able to force ISPs to record metadata about every website you visit, every connection you make to a server on the Internet. This is sub-optimal for the privacy minded, with my primary concern being that this is a treasure trove of data and it s going to be abused by someone. It s going to be too much for someone to resist. The existence of this power in the bill seemed to confuse the House of Lords:
It is not for me to explain why the Government want in the Bill a power that currently does not exist, because internet connection records do not exist, and which the security services say they do not want but which the noble and learned Lord says might be needed in the future. It is not for me to justify this power; I am saying to the House why I do not believe it is justified. The noble and learned Lord and the noble Lord, Lord Rosser, made the point that this is an existing power, but how can you have an existing power to acquire something that will not exist until the Bill is enacted? Lord Paddick (link)
Of course, the internet connection records are meaningless when your traffic is routed via a proxy or VPN, and there is a Kickstarter in progress that I would love to succeed: OnionDSL. The premise of OnionDSL is that instead of having an IPv4/IPv6 connection to the Internet, you join a private network that does not provide any routing to the global Internet and instead provides only a Tor bridge. I cannot think of anything that I do from home that I cannot do via Tor and have been considering switching to Qubes OS as the operating system on my day-to-day laptop to allow me to direct basically everything through Tor. The idea of provisioning a non-IP service via DSL is not new to me, I ve come across it before with cjdns which provides an encrypted IPv6 network using public key cryptography for network address allocation and a distributed hash table for routing. Peering between cjdns nodes can be performed over Ethernet and cjdns over Ethernet could be provisioned in place of the traditional PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) to provide access directly to cjdns without providing any routing to the global Internet. If OnionDSL is funded, I think it s very likely I would be considering becoming a customer. (Assuming the government doesn t attempt to also outlaw Tor).

7 September 2016

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: week 71 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday August 28 and Saturday September 3 2016: Media coverage Antonio Terceiro blogged about testing build reprodubility with debrepro . GSoC and Outreachy updates The next round is being planned now: see their page with a timeline and participating organizations listing. Maybe you want to participate this time? Then please reach out to us as soon as possible! Packages reviewed and fixed, and bugs filed The following packages have addressed reproducibility issues in other packages: The following updated packages have become reproducible in our current test setup after being fixed: The following updated packages appear to be reproducible now, for reasons we were not able to figure out yet. (Relevant changelogs did not mention reproducible builds.) The following 4 packages were not changed, but have become reproducible due to changes in their build-dependencies: Some uploads have addressed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Patches submitted that have not made their way to the archive yet: Reviews of unreproducible packages 706 package reviews have been added, 22 have been updated and 16 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. 5 issue types have been added: 1 issue type has been updated: Weekly QA work FTBFS bugs have been reported by: diffoscope development diffoscope development on the next version (60) continued in git, taking in contributions from: strip-nondeterminism development Mattia Rizzolo uploaded strip-nondeterminism 0.023-2~bpo8+1 to jessie-backports. A new version of strip-nondeterminism 0.024-1 was uploaded to unstable by Chris Lamb. It included contributions from: Holger added jobs on to run testsuites on every commit. There is one job for the master branch and one for the other branches. disorderfs development Holger added jobs on to run testsuites on every commit. There is one job for the master branch and one for the other branches. Debian: We now vary the GECOS records of the two build users. Thanks to Paul Wise for providing the patch. Misc. This week's edition was written by Ximin Luo, Holger Levsen & Chris Lamb and reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC.

5 June 2016

Jamie McClelland: Signal and Mobile XMPP Update

First, many thanks to Planet Debian readers for your thoughtful and constructive feedback to my Signal and Mobile Instant Messaging blogs. I learned a lot. Particularly useful was the comment directing me to Daniel Gultsch's The State of Mobile in 2016 post. I had previously listed the outstanding technical challenges as: I am now fairly convined that both problems are well-solved on Android via the Conversations app and a well-tuned XMPP server (I had no idea how easy it was to install your own Prosody modulues -- the client state indicator module is only 22 lines of lua code!) I think the current technical challenges could be better summarized as: adding iOS (iPhone) support. Both end-to-end encryption and receiving messages consistently seem to be hurdles. However, it seems that Chris Ballinger and the Chat Secure team are well on their way toward solving the push issue and facing funder skittishness on the encryption front. Nonetheless, but seem to be progressing. With the obvious technical hurdles in progress, we have the luxury of talking about the less obvious ones - particularly the ones requiring trade-offs. In particular: Signal replaces your SMS client. It looks and feels like an SMS client and automatically sends un-encrypted messages to everyone your address book that is not on signal and sends encrypted messages to those that are on signal. The significance of this feature is hard to over-state. It differentiates tools by and for technically minded people and those designed for a mass audience. When I convince people to use Conversations, in contrast, I have to teach them to: For most people who don't (yet) have their friends XMPP addresses or for people who don't have any friends who use XMPP, it means that they will install it, send me a few messages and then never use it again. The price Signal pays for this convenience is steep: Signal seems to synchronize your entire address book to their servers so they can keep a map of cell phone numbers to signal users. It's not only creepy (I get a text message everytime someone in my address book joins Signal) but it's flies in the face of expectations for a privacy-minded application. How could we take advantage of this feature, without the privacy problems? What if... The main downside (which Signal faces as well) is that you have to contend with the complexities of sending SMS messages on top of the work needed to write a well-functioning XMPP client. As I mentioned in my Signal blog, there are no shortage of MMS bugs against Signal. Nobody wants that head-ache. Additinally, we would still lose one Signal feature: with Signal, when a user joins, everyone automatically sends them encrypted messages. With this proposed app, each user would have to manually add the XMPP address and have no way of knowing when one of their friends gets an XMPP address. Any other ideas?

1 June 2016

Jamie McClelland: Signal and Google Cloud Services

I just installed Signal on my Android phone. It wasn't an easy decision. I have been running Cyanogenmod, a Google-free version of Android, and installing apps from F-Droid, a repository of free software android apps, for several years now. This setup allows me to run all the applications I need without Google accessing any of my cell phone data. It has been a remarkably successful experiment leaving me with all the phone software I need. And it's consistent with my belief that Google's size, reach and goals are a menace to the left's ability to develop the autonomous communications systems on the Internet that we need to achieve any meaningful political change. However, if I want to install Signal, I have to install Google Play, and the only way to install Google Play is to install Google's base line set of apps and to connect your cell phone to a Gmail account. Why in the world would Signal require Google Play? There is plenty of discussion of the technical debate on this topic, but politically it boils down to this: security is about trade-offs, and the trade-offs you find important are based on your politics. While I consider Signal to be on the same team in the big picture, I think Signal's winning a short term victory for more massively adopted end-to-end encryption at the expense of a longer term and more important struggle for autonomous communication systems specifically for communities fighting corporate power (of which Google itself is an important target) and fighting US hegemony on a global scale. Furthermore, Signal's lead developer's outright hostility to alternate clients connecting to the centralized signal servers demonstrates another political decision that favors central control over any confidence in a broader movement control over what could have become a power new protocol for secure communication. And his refusal to grant an exemption for other developers to use just the encryption algorythm is frustrating to say the least. Given this reasoning, why install Signal? The main reason is because I have yet to convince anyone to remove Google Apps from their phone and Signal, right now, represents a dramatic improvement over most people's current communications habit. And, when it comes down to it, I need to run what I recommend. I'm still running both conversations and Antox which are far better alternatives in the long run. However until they gain more widespread adoption, I'll be experimenting with Signal. Technical Details Oh, and by the way, installing Google Apps nearly bricked my phone. Cyanogenmod's web site conveniently provides instructions for installing Google Apps. However, confusingly, they provide two different links to choose from, one is from OpenGapps which provided my a link to download the zip file to flash on a non-https page (the link itself was over https). The other link was to an https-enabled page on that offered a non-https download (but did provide a md5 checksum). I am now sure why people offering software downloads don't enable https from start to finish (well, maybe I do - I haven't yet enabled https on this site...). However, more confusing is that both links were to different files. The OpenGapps one seemed to be a daily build and the androidfilehost was to a file with the date 20140606 in it's name, suggesting it was built nearly 2 years ago. I went with the daily build. When I restarted, I got the error "Unfortunately, Android Keyboard (Aosp) Has Stopped." If you search the web for this error you will see loads of people getting it. However, none of them seem to be using an encrypted disk. Yes, that is a bigger problem since you can't enter your encrypted disk passphrase if your keyboard app has crashed and you can't boot your phone if you can't even hit enter at the passphrase prompt. If you can't boot, you can't clear the keyboard app cache or most of the suggestions. In fact, when you press and hold the power key you don't even get the option to reboot into recovery mode. And, if you connect your device to your USB cable and run the adb tool on your computer, the tool reports that you are not authorized to connect your device. Oh damn. Did I just brick my phone? Fortunately, you can still boot into recovery mode on a Samsung S4 by powering it off. Then, press and hold the up volume button while turning it on. In recovery mode, I as able to convince the adb tool to connect to my device and I copied over the other Gapps zip file from and flashing that one seems to have fixed the problem. Once I booted, I ran Google Play and opted to create a new Google Account. I chose the option to not sync my data. Then, I checked in Settings -> Accounts I saw that a Google Account was there and was synchronizing. Great. What was it synchronizing? I clicked the account, then clicked "Accounts and Privacy" and ensured that everything was turned off. Let's hope that works. [Update] Signal's option to take over as your default SMS client and send un-encrypted normal SMS messages while sending encrypted messages to other Signal users is a very good way to smooth adoption. Unfortunately I had some problems with MMS message for which I found a work-around. But sheesh, lots of MMS problems at the moment.

19 April 2016

R&#233;mi Vanicat: LudumDare35

Ludumdare 35 For the Third time, I've submitted a compo to the ludumdare. So I've a new game (source available on github). Some note about the technology used:
  • this is a javascript/html5 game,
  • using the phaser framework.
  • Code has been wrote using Emacs and js2-mode,
  • tested with the python -m SimpleHTTPServer http server.
  • Sound:
    • sfx is mostly recording of real life sound, edited with Audacity, but I've also used labChirp (inside wine...).
    • Music is done using Bosca Ceoil. Next time I will try lmms.
  • Graphics are using aseprite (mostly) and gimp (very little)
  • Level has been created using Tiled
Most of those tool are free software, Exception are labChirp (we have no source), and Adobe Air/flash that is used by Bosca Ceoil (but Bosca Ceoil is a free software).

31 March 2016

Steinar H. Gunderson: Signal

Signal is a pretty amazing app; it manages to combine great security with great simplicity. (It literally takes two minutes, even for an unskilled user, to set it up.) I looked at the Wikipedia article, and the list of properties the protocol provides is impressive; I had hardly any idea you would even want all of these. But I've tried to decode what they actually mean: (There are more guarantees and features for group chat.) Again, it's really impressive. Modern cryptography at its finest. My only two concerns is that it's too bound to telephone numbers (you can't have the same account on two devices, for instance it very closely mimics the SMS/MMS/POTS model in that regard), and that it's too clumsy to verify public keys for the IM part. It can show them as hex or do a two-way QR code scan, but there's no NFC support, and there's no way to read e.g. a series of plaintext words instead of the fingerprint. (There's no web of trust, but probably that's actually for the better.) I hear WhatsApp is currently integrating the Signal protocol (or might be done already it's a bit unclear), but for now, my bet is on Signal. Install it now and frustrate NSA. And get free SMS/MMS to other Signal users (which are growing in surprising numbers) while you're at it. :-)

1 February 2016

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 40 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort between January 24th and January 30th:

Media coverage Holger Levsen was interviewed by the FOSDEM team to introduce his talk on Sunday 31st.

Toolchain fixes Jonas Smedegaard uploaded d-shlibs/0.63 which makes the order of dependencies generated by d-devlibdeps stable accross locales. Original patch by Reiner Herrmann.

Packages fixed The following 53 packages have become reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: appstream-glib, aptitude, arbtt, btrfs-tools, cinnamon-settings-daemon, cppcheck, debian-security-support, easytag, gitit, gnash, gnome-control-center, gnome-keyring, gnome-shell, gnome-software, graphite2, gtk+2.0, gupnp, gvfs, gyp, hgview, htmlcxx, i3status, imms, irker, jmapviewer, katarakt, kmod, lastpass-cli, libaccounts-glib, libam7xxx, libldm, libopenobex, libsecret, linthesia, mate-session-manager, mpris-remote, network-manager, paprefs, php-opencloud, pisa, pyacidobasic, python-pymzml, python-pyscss, qtquick1-opensource-src, rdkit, ruby-rails-html-sanitizer, shellex, slony1-2, spacezero, spamprobe, sugar-toolkit-gtk3, tachyon, tgt. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them:
  • gnubg/1.05.000-4 by Russ Allbery.
  • grcompiler/4.2-6 by Hideki Yamane.
  • sdlgfx/2.0.25-5 fix by Felix Geyer, uploaded by Gianfranco Costamagna.
Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet:
  • #812876 on glib2.0 by Lunar: ensure that functions are sorted using the C locale when giotypefuncs.c is generated.

diffoscope development diffoscope 48 was released on January 26th. It fixes several issues introduced by the retrieval of extra symbols from Debian debug packages. It also restores compatibility with older versions of binutils which does not support readelf --decompress.

strip-nondeterminism development strip-nondeterminism 0.015-1 was uploaded on January 27th. It fixes handling of signed JAR files which are now going to be ignored to keep the signatures intact.

Package reviews 54 reviews have been removed, 36 added and 17 updated in the previous week. 30 new FTBFS bugs have been submitted by Chris Lamb, Michael Tautschnig, Mattia Rizzolo, Tobias Frost.

Misc. Alexander Couzens and Bryan Newbold have been busy fixing more issues in OpenWrt. Version 1.6.3 of FreeBSD's package manager pkg(8) now supports SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. Ross Karchner did a lightning talk about reproducible builds at his work place and shared the slides.

18 October 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 25 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort this week: Toolchain fixes Niko Tyni wrote a new patch adding support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in Pod::Man. This would complement or replace the previously implemented POD_MAN_DATE environment variable in a more generic way. Niko Tyni proposed a fix to prevent mtime variation in directories due to debhelper usage of cp --parents -p. Packages fixed The following 119 packages became reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: aac-tactics, aafigure, apgdiff, bin-prot, boxbackup, calendar, camlmix, cconv, cdist, cl-asdf, cli-common, cluster-glue, cppo, cvs, esdl, ess, faucc, fauhdlc, fbcat, flex-old, freetennis, ftgl, gap, ghc, git-cola, globus-authz-callout-error, globus-authz, globus-callout, globus-common, globus-ftp-client, globus-ftp-control, globus-gass-cache, globus-gass-copy, globus-gass-transfer, globus-gram-client, globus-gram-job-manager-callout-error, globus-gram-protocol, globus-gridmap-callout-error, globus-gsi-callback, globus-gsi-cert-utils, globus-gsi-credential, globus-gsi-openssl-error, globus-gsi-proxy-core, globus-gsi-proxy-ssl, globus-gsi-sysconfig, globus-gss-assist, globus-gssapi-error, globus-gssapi-gsi, globus-net-manager, globus-openssl-module, globus-rsl, globus-scheduler-event-generator, globus-xio-gridftp-driver, globus-xio-gsi-driver, globus-xio, gnome-control-center, grml2usb, grub, guilt, hgview, htmlcxx, hwloc, imms, kde-l10n, keystone, kimwitu++, kimwitu-doc, kmod, krb5, laby, ledger, libcrypto++, libopendbx, libsyncml, libwps, lprng-doc, madwimax, maria, mediawiki-math, menhir, misery, monotone-viz, morse, mpfr4, obus, ocaml-csv, ocaml-reins, ocamldsort, ocp-indent, openscenegraph, opensp, optcomp, opus, otags, pa-bench, pa-ounit, pa-test, parmap, pcaputils, perl-cross-debian, prooftree, pyfits, pywavelets, pywbem, rpy, signify, siscone, swtchart, tipa, typerep, tyxml, unison2.32.52, unison2.40.102, unison, uuidm, variantslib, zipios++, zlibc, zope-maildrophost. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Packages which could not be tested: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues but not all of them: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet: Lunar reported that test strings depend on default character encoding of the build system in ongl. The 189 packages composing the Arch Linux core repository are now being tested. No packages are currently reproducible, but most of the time the difference is limited to metadata. This has already gained some interest in the Arch Linux community. An explicit log message is now visible when a build has been killed due to the 12 hours timeout. (h01ger) Remote build setup has been made more robust and self maintenance has been further improved. (h01ger) The minimum age for rescheduling of already tested amd64 packages has been lowered from 14 to 7 days, thanks to the increase of hardware resources sponsored by ProfitBricks last week. (h01ger) diffoscope development diffoscope version 37 has been released on October 15th. It adds support for two new file formats (CBFS images and Debian .dsc files). After proposing the required changes to TLSH, fuzzy hashes are now computed incrementally. This will avoid reading entire files in memory which caused problems for large packages. New tests have been added for the command-line interface. More character encoding issues have been fixed. Malformed md5sums will now be compared as binary files instead of making diffoscope crash amongst several other minor fixes. Version 38 was released two days later to fix the versioned dependency on python3-tlsh. strip-nondeterminism development strip-nondeterminism version 0.013-1 has been uploaded to the archive. It fixes an issue with nonconformant PNG files with trailing garbage reported by Roland Rosenfeld. disorderfs development disorderfs version 0.4.1-1 is a stop-gap release that will disable lock propagation, unless --share-locks=yes is specified, as it still is affected by unidentified issues. Documentation update Lunar has been busy creating a proper website for that would be a common location for news, documentation, and tools for all free software projects working on reproducible builds. It's not yet ready to be published, but it's surely getting there. Homepage of the future website  Who's involved?  page of the future website Package reviews 103 reviews have been removed, 394 added and 29 updated this week. 72 FTBFS issues were reported by Chris West and Niko Tyni. New issues: random_order_in_static_libraries, random_order_in_md5sums.

31 March 2015

Dirk Eddelbuettel: R / Finance 2015 Open for Registration

The annoucement below just went to the R-SIG-Finance list. More information is as usual at the R / Finance page.
Registration for R/Finance 2015 is now open! The conference will take place on May 29 and 30, at UIC in Chicago. Building on the success of the previous conferences in 2009-2014, we expect more than 250 attendees from around the world. R users from industry, academia, and government will joining 30+ presenters covering all areas of finance with R. We are very excited about the four keynote presentations given by Emanuel Derman, Louis Marascio, Alexander McNeil, and Rishi Narang.
The conference agenda (currently) includes 18 full presentations and 19 shorter "lightning talks". As in previous years, several (optional) pre-conference seminars are offered on Friday morning. There is also an (optional) conference dinner at The Terrace at Trump Hotel. Overlooking the Chicago river and skyline, it is a perfect venue to continue conversations while dining and drinking. Registration information and agenda details can be found on the conference website as they are being finalized.
Registration is also available directly at the registration page. We would to thank our 2015 sponsors for the continued support enabling us to host such an exciting conference: International Center for Futures and Derivatives at UIC Revolution Analytics
MS-Computational Finance and Risk Management at University of Washington Ketchum Trading
SYMMS On behalf of the committee and sponsors, we look forward to seeing you in Chicago! For the program committee:
Gib Bassett, Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian Peterson,
Dale Rosenthal, Jeffrey Ryan, Joshua Ulrich
See you in Chicago in May!

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

22 March 2015

Rhonda D'Vine: Yasmo

Friday the 13th was my day. In so many different ways. I received a package which was addressed to Rhonda D'Vine with a special hoodie in it. The person at the post office desk asked me whether it was for my partner, my response was a (cowardly) "no, it's my pseudonym" but that settled any further questions and I got my package. Later I received an email which made me hyper happy (but which I can't share right now, potentially later). In the evening there was the WortMacht FemSlam (WordMight FemSlam) poetry slam to which the host asked me to attend just the day before. I was hyper nervous about it. The room was fully packed, there were even quite some people who didn't have a place to sit and were standing at the side. I presented Mermaids because I wasn't able to write anything new on the topic. One would think I am attached enough to the poem by now to not be nervous about it, but it was the environment that made my legs shake like hell while presenting. Gladly I hope it wasn't possible to see it enough under my skirt, but given that it was the first time that I presented it in my home town instead of the "anonymous" internet made me extra anxious. In the end I ended up in place 5 of 7 attendees, which I consider a success given that it was the only text presented in English and not in typical poetry slam style.
(Small addition to the last part: I've been yesterday to the Free Hugs Vienna event at the Schloss Sch nbrunn, and one of the people I hugged told me I know you, I've seen you at the FemSlam!. That was extra sweet. :)) I'm happy that I was notified about the FemSlam on such short notice, it was a great experience. So today's entry goes out to the host of that event. This is about Yasmo. One can just be envious about what she already accomplished in her still young life. And she is definitely someone to watch out for in the years to come. I have to excuse to my readers who don't understand German yet again, but I'll get back to something English next time, I promise. :) Like always, enjoy!

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12 October 2014

Iustin Pop: Day trip on the Olympic Peninsula

Day trip on the Olympic Peninsula TL;DR: drove many kilometres on very nice roads, took lots of pictures, saw sunshine and fog and clouds, an angry ocean and a calm one, a quiet lake and lots and lots of trees: a very well spent day. Pictures at Sometimes I travel to the US on business, and as such I've been a few times in the Seattle area. Until this summer, when I had my last trip there, I was content to spend any extra days (weekend or such) just visiting Seattle itself, or shopping (I can spend hours in the REI store!), or working on my laptop in the hotel. This summer though, I thought - I should do something a bit different. Not too much, but still - no sense in wasting both days of the weekend. So I thought maybe driving to Mount Rainier, or something like that. On the Wednesday of my first week in Kirkland, as I was preparing my drive to the mountain, I made the mistake of scrolling the map westwards, and I saw for the first time the Olympic Peninsula; furthermore, I was zoomed in enough that I saw there was a small road right up to the north-west corner. Intrigued, I zoomed further and learned about Cape Flattery ( the northwestern-most point of the contiguous United States! ), so after spending a bit time reading about it, I was determined to go there. Easier said than done - from Kirkland, it's a 4h 40m drive (according to Google Maps), so it would be a full day on the road. I was thinking of maybe spending the night somewhere on the peninsula then, in order to actually explore the area a bit, but from Wednesday to Saturday it was a too short notice - all hotels that seemed OK-ish were fully booked. I spent some time trying to find something, even not directly on my way, but I failed to find any room. What I did manage to do though, is to learn a bit about the area, and to realise that there's a nice loop around the whole peninsula - the 104 from Kirkland up to where it meets the 101N on the eastern side, then take the 101 all the way to Port Angeles, Lake Crescent, near Lake Pleasant, then south toward Forks, crossing the Hoh river, down to Ruby Beach, down along the coast, crossing the Queets River, east toward Lake Quinault, south toward Aberdeen, then east towards Olympia and back out of the wilderness, into the highway network and back to Kirkland. This looked like an awesome road trip, but it is as long as it sounds - around 8 hours (continuous) drive, though skipping Cape Flattery. Well, I said to myself, something to keep in mind for a future trip to this area, with a night in between. I was still planning to go just to Cape Flattery and back, without realising at that point that this trip was actually longer (as you drive on smaller, lower-speed roads). Preparing my route, I read about the queues at the Edmonds-Kingston ferry, so I was planning to wake up early on the weekend, go to Cape Flattery, and go right back (maybe stop by Lake Crescent). Saturday comes, I - of course - sleep longer than my trip schedule said, and start the day in a somewhat cloudy weather, driving north from my hotel on Simonds Road, which was quite nicer than the usual East-West or North-South roads in this area. The weather was becoming nicer, however as I was nearing the ferry terminal and the traffic was getting denser, I started suspecting that I'll spend a quite a bit of time waiting to board the ferry. And unfortunately so it was (photo altered to hide some personal information): Waiting for the ferry. The weather at least was nice, so I tried to enjoy it and simply observe the crowd - people were looking forward to a weekend relaxing, so nobody seemed annoyed by the wait. After almost half an hour, time to get on the ferry - my first time on a ferry in US, yay! But it was quite the same as in Europe, just that the ship was much larger. Once I secured the car, I went up deck, and was very surprised to be treated with some excellent views: Harbour view Looking towards the sun   and away from it The crossing was not very short, but it seemed so, because of the view, the sun, the water and the wind. Soon we were nearing the other shore; also, see how well panorama software deals with waves :P! Near the other shore And I was finally on the "real" part of the trip. The road was quite interesting. Taking the 104 North, crossing the "Hood Canal Floating Bridge" (my, what a boring name), then finally joining the 101 North. The environment was quite varied, from bare plains and hills, to wooded areas, to quite dense forests, then into inhabited areas - quite a long stretch of human presence, from the Sequim Bay to Port Angeles. Port Angeles surprised me: it had nice views of the ocean, and an interesting port (a few big ships), but it was much smaller than I expected. The 101 crosses it, and in less than 10 minutes or so it was already over. I expected something nicer, based on the name, but Anyway, onwards! Soon I was at a crossroads and had to decide: I could either follow the 101, crossing the Elwha River and then to Lake Crescent, then go north on the 113/112, or go right off 101 onto 112, and follow it until close to my goal. I took the 112, because on the map it looked "nicer", and closer to the shore. Well, the road itself was nice, but quite narrow and twisty here and there, and there was some annoying traffic, so I didn't enjoy this segment very much. At least it had the very interesting property (to me) that whenever I got closer to the ocean, the sun suddenly disappeared, and I was finding myself in the fog: Foggy road So my plan to drive nicely along the coast failed. At one point, there was even heavy smoke (not fog!), and I wondered for a moment how safe was to drive out there in the wilderness (there were other cars though, so I was not alone). Only quite a bit later, close to Neah Bay, did I finally see the ocean: I saw a small parking spot, stopped, and crossing a small line of trees I found myself in a small cove? bay? In any case, I had the impression I stepped out of the daily life in the city and out into the far far wilderness: Dead trees on the beach Trees growing on a rock Small panorama of the cove There was a couple, sitting on chairs, just enjoying the view. I felt very much intruding, behaving like I did as a tourist: running in, taking pictures, etc., so I tried at least to be quiet . I then quickly moved on, since I still had some road ahead of me. Soon I entered Neah Bay, and was surprised to see once more blue, and even more blue. I'm a sucker for blue, whether sky blue or sea blue , so I took a few more pictures (watch out for the evil fog in the second one): View towards Neah Bay port Sea view from Neah Bay Well, the town had some event, and there were lots of people, so I just drove on, now on the last stretch towards the cape. The road here was also very interesting, yet another environment - I was driving on Cape Flattery Road, which cuts across the tip of the peninsula (quite narrow here) along the Waatch River and through its flooding plains (at least this is how it looked to me). Then it finally starts going up through the dense forest, until it reaches the parking lot, and from there, one goes on foot towards the cape. It's a very easy and nice walk (not a hike), and the sun was shining very nicely through the trees: Sunny forest Sun shinning down Wooden path But as I reached the peak of the walk, and started descending towards the coast, I was surprised, yet again, by fog: Ugly fog again! I realised that probably this means the cape is fully in fog, so I won't have any chance to enjoy the view. Boy, was I wrong! There are three viewpoints on the cape, and at each one I was just "wow" and "aah" at the view. Even thought it was not a sunny summer view, and there was no blue in sight, the combination between the fog (which was hiding the horizon and even the closer islands), the angry ocean which was throwing wave after wave at the shore, making a loud noise, and the fact that even this seemingly inhospitable area was just teeming with life, was both unexpected and awesome. I took here waay to many pictures, here are just a couple inlined: First view at the cape Birds 'enjoying' the weather Foggy shore I spent around half an hour here, just enjoying the rawness of nature. It was so amazing to see life encroaching on each bit of land, even though it was not what I would consider a nice place. Ah, how we see everything through our own eyes! The walk back was through fog again, and at one point it switched over back to sunny. Driving back on the same road was quite different, knowing what lies at its end. On this side, the road had some parking spots, so I managed to stop and take a picture - even though this area was much less wild, it still has that outdoors flavour, at least for me: Waatch River Back in Neah Bay, I stopped to eat. I had a place in mind from TripAdvisor, and indeed - I was able to get a custom order pizza at "Linda's Woodfired Kitchen". Quite good, and I ate without hurry, looking at the people walking outside, as they were coming back from the fair or event that was taking place. While eating, a somewhat disturbing thought was going through my mind. It was still early, around two to half past two, so if I went straight back to Kirkland I would be early at the hotel. But it was also early enough that I could - in theory at least - still do the "big round-trip". I was still rummaging the thought as I left On the drive back I passed once more near Sekiu, Washington, which is a very small place but the map tells me it even has an airport! Fun, and the view was quite nice (a bit of blue before the sea is swallowed by the fog): Sekiu view After passing Sekiu and Clallam Bay, the 112 curves inland and goes on a bit until you are at the crossroads: to the left the 112 continues, back the same way I came; to the right, it's the 113, going south until it meets the 101. I looked left - remembering the not-so-nice road back, I looked south - where a very appealing, early afternoon sun was beckoning - so I said, let's take the long way home! It's just a short stretch on the 113, and then you're on the 101. The 101 is a very nice road, wide enough, and it goes through very very nice areas. Here, west to south-west of the Olympic Mountains, it's a very different atmosphere from the 112/101 that I drove on in the morning; much warmer colours, a bit different tree types (I think), and more flat. I soon passed through Forks, which is one of the places I looked at when searching for hotels. I did so without any knowledge of the town itself (its wikipedia page is quite drab), so imagine my surprise when a month later I learned from a colleague that this is actually a very important place for vampire-book fans. Oh my, and I didn't even stop! This town also had some event, so I just drove on, enjoying the (mostly empty) road. My next planned waypoint was Ruby Beach, and I was looking forward to relaxing a bit under the warm sun - the drive was excellent, weather perfect, so I was watching the distance countdown on my Garmin. At two miles out, the "Near waypoint Ruby Beach" message appeared, and two seconds later the sun went out. What the I was hoping this is something temporary, but as I slowly drove the remaining mile I couldn't believe my eyes that I was, yet again, finding myself in the fog I park the car, thinking that asking for a refund would at least allow me to feel better - but it was I who planned the trip! So I resigned myself, thinking that possibly this beach is another special location that is always in the fog. However, getting near the beach it was clear that it was not so - some people were still in their bathing suits, just getting dressed, so it seems I was just unlucky with regards to timing. However, I the beach itself was nice, even in the fog (I later saw online sunny pictures, and it is quite beautiful), the the lush trees reach almost to the shore, and the way the rocks are sitting on the beach: A lonely dinghy Driftwood  and human construction People on the beach Since the weather was not that nice, I took a few more pictures, then headed back and started driving again. I was soo happy that the weather didn't clear at the 2 mile mark (it was not just Ruby Beach!), but alas - it cleared as soon as the 101 turns left and leaves the shore, as it crosses the Queets river. Driving towards my next planned stop was again a nice drive in the afternoon sun, so I think it simply was not a sunny day on the Pacific shore. Maybe seas and oceans have something to do with fog and clouds ! In Switzerland, I'm very happy when I see fog, since it's a somewhat rare event (and seeing mountains disappearing in the fog is nice, since it gives the impression of a wider space). After this day, I was a bit fed up with fog for a while Along the 101 one reaches Lake Quinault, which seemed pretty nice on the map, and driving a bit along the lake - a local symbol, the "World's largest spruce tree". I don't know what a spruce tree is, but I like trees, so I was planning to go there, weather allowing. And the weather did cooperate, except that the tree was not so imposing as I thought! In any case, I was glad to stretch my legs a bit: Path to largest spruce tree Largest spruce tree, far view Largest spruce tree, closer view Very short path back to the road However, the most interesting thing here in Quinault was not this tree, but rather - the quiet little town and the view on the lake, in the late afternoon sun: Quinault Quinault Lake view The entire town was very very quiet, and the sun shining down on the lake gave an even stronger sense of tranquillity. No wind, not many noises that tell of human presence, just a few, and an overall sense of peace. It was quite the opposite of the Cape Flattery and a very nice way to end the trip. Well, almost end - I still had a bit of driving ahead. Starting from Quinault, driving back and entering the 101, driving down to Aberdeen: Afternoon ride then turning east towards Olympia, and back onto the highways. As to Aberdeen and Olympia, I just drove through, so I couldn't make any impression of them. The old harbour and the rusted things in Aberdeen were a bit interesting, but the day was late so I didn't stop. And since the day shouldn't end without any surprises, during the last profile change between walking and driving in Quinault, my GPS decided to reset its active maps list and I ended up with all maps activated. This usually is not a problem, at least if you follow a pre-calculated route, but I did trigger recalculation as I restarted my driving, so the Montana was trying to decide on which map to route me - between the Garmin North America map and the Open StreeMap one, the result was that it never understood which road I was on. It always said "Drive to I5", even though I was on I5. Anyway, thanks to road signs, and no thanks to "just this evening ramp closures", I was able to arrive safely at my hotel. Overall, a very successful, if long trip: around 725 kilometres, 10h:30m moving, 13h:30m total: Track picture There were many individual good parts, but the overall think about this road trip was that I was able to experience lots of different environments of the peninsula on the same day, and that overall it's a very very nice area. The downside was that I was in a rush, without being able to actually stop and enjoy the locations I visited. And there's still so much to see! A two nights trip sound just about right, with some long hikes in the rain forest, and afternoons spent on a lake somewhere. Another not so optimal part was that I only had my "travel" camera (a Nikon 1 series camera, with a small sensor), which was a bit overwhelmed here and there by the situation. It was fortunate that the light was more or less good, but looking back at the pictures, how I wish that I had my "serious" DSLR So, that means I have two reasons to go back! Not too soon though, since Mount Rainier is also a good location to visit . If the pictures didn't bore you yet, the entire gallery is on my smugmug site. In any case, thanks for reading!

18 September 2014

Dariusz Dwornikowski: RFS health in Debian

I am working on a small project to create WNPP like statistics for open RFS bugs. I think this could improve a little bit effectiveness of sponsoring new packages by giving insight into bugs that are on their way to being starved (i.e. not ever sponsored, or rotting in a queue). The script attached in this post is written in Python and uses Debbugs SOAP interface to get currently open RFS bugs and calculates their dust and age. The dust factor is calculated as an absolute value of a difference between bugs's age and log_modified. Later I would like to create fully blown stats for an RFS queue, taking into account the whole history (i.e. 2012-1-1 until now), and check its health, calculate MTTGS (mean time to get sponsored). The list looks more or less like this:
Age  Dust Number  Title
37   0    757966  RFS: lutris/0.3.5-1 [ITP]
1    0    762015  RFS: s3fs-fuse/1.78-1 [ITP #601789] -- FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3
81   0    753110  RFS: mrrescue/1.02c-1 [ITP]
456  0    712787  RFS: distkeys/1.0-1 [ITP] -- distribute SSH keys
120  1    748878  RFS: mwc/1.7.2-1 [ITP] -- Powerful website-tracking tool
1    1    762012  RFS: fadecut/0.1.4-1
3    1    761687  RFS: abraca/0.8.0+dfsg-1 -- Simple and powerful graphical client for XMMS2
35   2    758163  RFS: kcm-ufw/0.4.3-1 ITP
3    2    761636  RFS: raceintospace/1.1+dfsg1-1 [ITP]
The script can be found below, it uses SOAPpy (only python <3 unfortunately).
import SOAPpy
import time
from datetime import date, timedelta, datetime
url = ''
namespace = 'Debbugs/SOAP'
server = SOAPpy.SOAPProxy(url, namespace)
class RFS(object):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self._obj = obj
        self._last_modified = date.fromtimestamp(obj.log_modified)
        self._date = date.fromtimestamp(
        if self._obj.pending != 'done':
            self._pending = "pending"
            self._dust = abs( - self._last_modified).days
            self._pending = "done"
            self._dust = abs(self._date - self._last_modified).days
        today =
        self._age = abs(today - self._date).days
    def status(self):
        return self._pending
    def date(self):
        return self._date
    def last_modified(self):
        return self._last_modified
    def subject(self):
        return self._obj.subject
    def bug_number(self):
        return self._obj.bug_num
    def age(self):
        return self._age
    def dust(self):
        return self._dust
    def __str__(self):
        return "  subject:   age:  dust: ".format(self._obj.bug_num, self._obj.subject, self._age, self._dust)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    bugi = server.get_bugs("package", "sponsorship-requests", "status", "open")
    buglist = [RFS(b.value) for b in server.get_status(bugi).item]
    buglist_sorted_by_dust = sorted(buglist, key=lambda x: x.dust, reverse=False)
    print("Age  Dust Number  Title")
    for i in buglist_sorted_by_dust:
        print(" :<4   :<4   :<7   ".format(i.age, i.dust, i.bug_number, i.subject))

16 June 2014

Simon Kainz: on using crippled installers

Maybe someone else is using iDataPlex HW, so this might come in helpful... TL, DR: Dear Hardware Vendors! Please don't force people to use specific Linux distributions when a simple unzip command would do the same. At work we run (amongst others) an HPC system consisting of 120 IBM System X iDataPlex dx360 M4 Nodes. Recently, after some MCE logs caused by DIMM errors, the IBM guy refused to send me replacement DIMMs if if didn't update IMM firware and tortue test the machine some days more. Well, ok... IBM uses the so called UpdateXpress tool to update IMM and UEFI firmware. The tool is available for rhel4 to rhel7 (both 32 and 64 bit), SLES10 & SLES11 and Microsoft Windows. I tried all of the available UpdateXpress System Pack Installers, with basically the same result everytime:
WARNING! This package doesn't appear to match your system.
         The following information was determined for your system:
           distribution = Unknown
           release = -1
           processor architecture = Unknown
I tried to set up a fake RHEL environment (customized /usr/local/uname, custom /et/RHel-release, etc...) but after some more tries, the installer (yes, it's still the installer I am trying to run) fails with some strange SEGFAULTS. After some closer inspection, (well, the RHEL4 uxspi binary is about 109MB big!) i tried to unzip it, and voila:
~/firmware$ unzip ibm_utl_uxspi_9.60_rhel4_32-64.bin
Archive:  ibm_utl_uxspi_9.60_rhel4_32-64.bin
   creating: rhel6_64/image/
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/  
   creating: rhel6_64/image/esxi_assoc_templates/
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/esxi_assoc_templates/elxFC.uxt  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/esxi_assoc_templates/elxCNA.uxt  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/esxi_assoc_templates/ibmc.uxt  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/esxi_assoc_templates/FPGA-S.uxt  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/esxi_assoc_templates/degraded.uxt  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/esxi_assoc_templates/brocadeFC.uxt  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/esxi_assoc_templates/qlgcFC.uxt  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/esxi_assoc_templates/broadcom.uxt  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/esxi_assoc_templates/LSI.uxt  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/esxi_assoc_templates/brocadeCNA.uxt  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/esxi_assoc_templates/uefi.uxt  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/esxi_assoc_templates/diags.uxt  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/esxi_assoc_templates/qlgcCNA.uxt  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/esxi_assoc_templates/VMwareESXi.uxt  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/esxi_assoc_templates/ibmc2.uxt  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/esxi_assoc_templates/FPGA.uxt  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/UXLite_UPDATEID.dat  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/  
  inflating: rhel6_64/image/  
I managed to find a iflash64 binary, and after so trial and error, came up with the following workflow:
./iflash64 --host your_host_imm_IP --user your_username --password your_password --package imm2_1aoo56d-3.73.upd --reboot
IBM Command Line IMM Flash Update Utility v2.02.11
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2009 - 2014  All Rights Reserved.
Connected to IMM at IP address x.x.x.x.
Update package firmware type: IMM2
Update package build level:   xxxxxx
Target's current build level: xxxxxx
Would you like to continue with the update? y/n: y
Node 0: The IMM is preparing to receive the update.
Node 0: Transferring image: 98%
Node 0: Transfer complete.
Node 0: Validating image.
Node 0: Updating firmware:  0%
Node 0: Updating firmware:  100%
Node 0: Update complete.
Performing activation of the firmware:
Connected to IMM at IP address successfully.
Waiting up to 360 seconds for the activation to complete:
And so on... Conclusio: Dear Hardware Vendors! Please don't force people to use specific Linux distributions when a simple unzip command would do the same.

6 June 2014

Rhonda D'Vine: No Portland

This year's debconf in portland will happen without me being there. As much as I would love to be at home again, I won't be able to afford it. As much as I'd liked to help to keep portland weird, a discussion led to the feeling that I'm not welcome there and along that lines made me miss the deadline for sponsorship request due to not being very motivated to push for it because of that. And without sponsorship I won't be able to afford it, given that I need to save up for my upcoming move. This also means I won't be able to host the Poetry Night. I hope that someone will be picking up that ball and continue it. Personally I am more motivated than ever to start writing again, given that there is currently a Bus Bim Slam (Bus Tram Slam) happening over here in Vienna and I try to attend as much stations as possible, and there will be a Diary Slam during this year's FemCamp Vienna.
I'm indifferent on whether the Debconf Poetry Night should be recorded or not. On the one hand it would be great to see people performing, on the other hand it might shy away certain personal poems that one wouldn't want to have out in the wild. Whoever picks it up, think about that part. I wish everyone luck in Portland, and I'm looking forward to yet another great job by the video team so I can follow a few talks from at home. It sort of breaks my heart to not be able to hug you lot this year, and I wish you a great conference. We'll meet again next year in Heidelberg!

/debian permanent link Comments: 3 Flattr this

7 May 2014

Daniel Pocock: A URI prefix for radio callsigns

I've had my amateur callsign far longer than I've had my email address or provider-indepent IP ranges. While working with the tel: URI recently, I started thinking it would be useful to have a similar URI scheme for radio callsigns. After all, callsigns follow a well documented and globally unique pattern. Amateur operators are often mixing computing technology with radio. This could be a useful foundation for bigger things. One possibility is in SIP. SIP already has the possibility to route messages using URIs other than sip:. For example, a SIP message can have a tel: URI in the request line. It could be equally feasible to do this for radio callsigns, especially for amateur radio. Another possibility is placing call signs in HTML. Imagine if you could click M0GLR and some browser plugin looks up a directory to find out which frequencies or repeaters I've used recently. From URI to URL A URI typically identifies a resource. A URL helps locate the resource. In radio, a URL would probably not be very similar to a HTTP scheme URL. A full URL for a radio contact might specify not just the callsign but also the desired frequency and transmission mode. Instead of a directory path, it is likely you would need things like these as a bare minimum:
  • transmit frequency
  • receive frequence (or offset) if using a duplex mode
  • modulation (FM, SSB, etc)
  • bandwidth
  • mode: morse code, voice, video, packet data, etc
For a fixed station, especially a repeater, it may also be useful to encode the geographic location. For a station in orbit, however, it may be necessary to provide a completely different set of parameters describing the orbit or a pointer to where to find fresh parameters. Please share your feedback The idea is now actively under discussion on the IETF URI-review mailing list.

